Hip & Knee

This section features injury prevention tips for common hip and knee conditions, such as IT Band Syndrome, tight hip flexors, tight hamstrings, and hip bursitis.

woman stretching her hamstrings

Why Are My Hamstrings So Tight? (plus how to fix it)

Do you feel like your hamstrings always feel tight no matter how much you stretch?  Then this article is for you.  Tight hamstrings are a common concern, but the answer isn’t more stretching. Keep reading to learn what causes hamstring tightness and actionable solutions for chronically tight hamstrings. Hamstring anatomy First, let’s take a minute

Why Are My Hamstrings So Tight? (plus how to fix it) Read More »

taping for patellofemoral syndrome - does it work?

Taping For Patellofemoral Syndrome (Expert Tips & Tricks)

Have you ever wondered if slapping on some colorful tape can solve your knee pain problems? After all, athletes are always covered in it, so it must be good. Taping is a popular go-to for injuries and patellofemoral pain is no exception. Although it may be popular, does it actually work? As a certified Kinesio taping

Taping For Patellofemoral Syndrome (Expert Tips & Tricks) Read More »

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